الصفحة الرئيسية
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مجموع الشرف 30.607.640
الترتيب 3
الأعضاء 13 / 24 الأعضاء
المستوى Ø 65
ثروة النقابة 523.751

وصف النقابة


Welcome to the esteemed realm of our Gladiatus Guild!

We are a formidable group of warriors, mages, and adventurers united by a common purpose: to conquer the challenges of this ancient world together. As a guild, we pride ourselves on camaraderie, loyalty, and mutual support.

In our guild hall, you will find a bustling hub of activity where members exchange valuable knowledge, share thrilling tales of their conquests, and strategize for upcoming battles. Our seasoned veterans gladly mentor the newer members, ensuring that everyone can reach their full potential.

The heart of our guild lies in our cooperative efforts during perilous quests and epic raids. Together, we venture into the darkest dungeons, facing fierce monsters and ancient evils, reaping rich rewards and treasures as we emerge victorious. No challenge is too daunting when we stand shoulder to shoulder, united in our purpose.

In our guild, everyone has a voice. Decisions are made democratically, and each member's opinion is valued. We hold regular meetings to discuss important matters, ensuring that every member has a say in shaping our guild's future.

Our guild is not just a virtual entity; it's a family of like-minded individuals. We share triumphs and setbacks, laugh together, and console each other during challenging times. As we grow stronger as a team, our individual strengths shine brighter.

Whether you're a battle-hardened veteran or a fresh-faced adventurer seeking to make your mark on this ancient land, our guild welcomes you with open arms. Join us on this thrilling journey through Gladiatus, where together, we will
etch our names in the annals of history!

One important thing , Don't let the game distract you from prayer,and from enjoying life .